Monday, June 07, 2010

USA - Personality Assessments Fail

he trend in recent years has been to utilize personality assessments in the hiring process for predicting on-the-job success. In 2007, a prominent panel of personnel psychologists (Morgeson et al., 2007) collaborated to discuss the utility of personality tests in the selection process. The clear theme: Validities of personality measures are so low that using them for selection should be questioned. The research shows that broad-based personality tests such as the Big Five Personality Traits & Emotional Intelligence account for less than 6% of variance in job-related performances. Despite the claims from the hundreds of vendors selling personality tests, little has changed in the last 40 years, the science still shows that their predictive value is minimal when used to predict job performance success in today's job market.

Why Personality Assessments Don't Predict Sales Success

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